Absolute Jeanius


birthing (warning, may contain TMI) June 15, 2007

Filed under: homebirth,midwife,my story — jeanius80 @ 5:42 pm

dh and i want at least one more child. we decided that when dd is two (or just before) that we would try again to have a child. that means a trip to have my iud removed, and taking parlodel (aka bromocriptine) for at least a month. then my body should get preggers no problem.

with my dd, i went into labor at 2 am, after spending the entire day (the 13th of april) trying to induce labor because she was already 11 days late. we called the hospital, because my contractions were 5 minutes apart from the start! they told me to wait until they were 2-3 minutes apart. take a bath (???) and drink some water. so i did both. at the same time. a hot bath and drinking cold water made me nauseous. and at 4 am my contractions were about 2.5 minutes apart, we called, and then left for the hospital (30 minutes away). by 4:30 am i was in the birthing suite. i had to use a wheelchair, because my contractions were too close. it would have taken me an hour to get up to my room if i had walked.

my birthing plan from the start was to be drug free. but after about 3 hours of contractions (and no screaming or yelling, thank you very much 😀 ) i decided to have an epidural. the nurse wanted my CNM (certified nurse midwife) to check my dilation before it was administered. so, the whole time the anesthesiologist was informing me, all i could think (and try really hard not to say out loud) was “just give me the shot, i have watched Discovery channel enough, i know what you’re going to do!!!” my CNM checked me, and sent the anesthesiologist away. i cried because i figured i was going to be in labor at least another 6 hours (or god forbid, 12!). I *think* this was about 5:45 am. she then made me reposition to the end of the bed, and told me i could push!! i remembered all the advice my friend at work had given me about how to push, and took a deep breath, and pushed through everything! 3 nice, big, strong, concentrated pushes later, and i had my beautiful baby girl. it was 6:05 am. i am sure the reason i had such a short labor was because i was active my entire pregnancy.

Makenna, April 14 2006, 50 minutes old

so where is this going? when i have my second child, i will have a second natural birth. yes, i remember how uncomfortable the contractions were. well, let’s not kid ourselves, they hurt. a lot. but, dh and i didn’t take any birthing classes, so we didn’t know any techniques to ease the pain. that will be different the second time around. also, i want a home birth. i had no complications with my first pregnancy, or birth. i did tear a little, i think she had to give me four stitches. as soon as i was holding my baby, i asked my CNM when i could go home! they made we stay for two days. all i wanted to do was take her home, and rest there. so why not a home birth? sure it’s messy, but that’s what washing machines are for…. so, anyone know what the general costs are for a home birth with a midwife (or CNM) and possibly a doula? and classes … lol … ask for much? 😀

Makenna, April 14 2007, 1 year old