Absolute Jeanius


Help for Haiti January 17, 2010

Filed under: absolute jeanius,charity,design,hat,knitting,ravelry — jeanius80 @ 9:49 pm
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I am sure you’ve heard about the terrible situation in Haiti, after the recent earthquake. A lot of members of ravelry.com have decided to fund raise. Notably, a lot of designers have decided to donate a portion of the income from some patterns to aid the help in Haiti. I’ve decided to participate, and have put the Ravelling Lace Hat up as a “Help for Haiti” pattern. The price is $5.00, with 50% of all sales going to Red Cross International Response Fund. Thanks to the ravelry group, Lazy, Stupid, and Godless, who began a “LSG-a-Thon For Haiti“, the masterminds behind ravelry made it easy to find patterns that are donating to the cause. Currently, there are 962 patterns listed with some proceeds going towards Haiti (not all through the same charities).

So crafters, ravelers, go forth, buy up some patterns you know you want anyhow, and help those in need at the same time. I’ve decided that I will forever donate 50% of the proceeds from the sales of Ravelling Lace Hat to the Red Cross International Response Fund. It is the least I can do!

Ravelling Lace Hat